One in three victims of family violence are male

Correcting misinformation

Correcting misinformation about family violence

Research and statistics about family violence and abuse can be complex and difficult to interpret due to the wide variation in research methodologies employed, and the different definitions of violence and abuse used by researchers and academics.

Regrettably, while well-intentioned, many past efforts to reduce family violence against women have inadvertently used incorrect or misleading statistics‚ which unfairly stigmatise men and boys as violent and abusive, while simultaneously denying or downplaying the existence of male victims of violence.

All victims of violence and abuse, whether male or female, deserve policies based upon up-to-date accurate data. Flawed data can only lead to flawed policies and actions, and many children continue to be exposed to violence because of these misinterpretations.

Understandably many people, including the media, politicians and other decision-makers, simply quote the facts and figures that are given to them. This leads to misunderstandings and biases being reproduced and legitimised on a regular basis. The One in Three Campaign aims to address the widespread misinformation about family violence and abuse by providing accurate data to the public about this important issue.

By attacking misleading statistics about violence against women, isn't the One in Three Campaign attacking women? How does exposing flawed data about violence against women support male victims of family violence?

We believe the public deserves to be told the truth about family violence and abuse. For decades well-meaning governments and NGO's have presented the myth to the public that family violence is only something that men do to women. This message has prevented the development of more comprehensive policies, programs, services, campaigns and funding to cater for male as well as female victims of family violence and abuse.

By exposing the statistical flaws which maintain these myths about violence against women, we are hoping to expose the truth, and by doing so, change the public perception of domestic and family violence. It is our hope that governments (state and federal) will expand their response to domestic violence to include all victims and perpetrators regardless of their gender, and in doing so, comply with our international human rights obligations.

We are concerned that policies and programs that only target men's violence against women might inadvertently give some female perpetrators the feeling that they have impunity and an entitlement to act inappropriately. In addition, they discriminate against children whose mothers use violence by denying them protection.

We recognise there will be some people who will be offended by our challenge to the incorrect data. However, every attempt has been made to ensure our research into the statistics is verifiable, rigorous and without prejudice. If any errors are found, please let us know and we will correct them immediately.

The One in Three Campaign is fully supportive of all genuine programs designed to protect women and children from violence. We are simply seeking similar protection for men and boys and asking that the vast majority who are not violent are no longer tarred with the brush of “violent males”.


A response by 1IN3 to media commentary by domestic violence organisations for ABC TV Media Watch

A recent episode of ABC TV’s Media Watch on 2nd March 2020 covered the story of media commentator Bettina Arndt’s controversial comments about the tragic murder of Hannah Clarke and her children, and their resulting condemnation by media and government alike.

As part of the ABC’s investigation, comment was requested from three of the top government-funded domestic violence organisations in Australia – ANROWS, Our Watch, and Domestic Violence NSW. These three agencies all operate from a feminist framework dealing exclusively with female victims and their research is tailored to that end. The ABC neglected to contact the One in Three Campaign – an unfunded volunteer organisation, but the only agency in Australia established to support male victims of family violence.

The ABC put the following question to each organisation:

Is Bettina Arndt correct in saying “our official statistics show at least a third of victims of domestic violence are male”? Does this statistic reflect the reality of the problem of domestic violence in Australia?

The responses contained errors, omitted relevant data, were frequently unreferenced, and appeared to be written in order to downplay and minimise the experience of male victims of family and domestic violence in Australia.

We are extremely concerned that three of the top government-funded domestic violence organisations in Australia felt the need to dispute Ms Arndt’s claim, based on robust data from the ABS and multiple other sources, that at least a third of victims of domestic violence are male.

There is no need to attack, downplay or minimise the experience of male victims in order to support female victims. In the eleven years One in Three has been operating, we have consistently advocated for increased support for female victims of family and domestic violence, alongside our calls for better awareness of and support for male victims.

We believe our society has the capacity to support all victims of family violence, whether young or old, male or female, gay or straight, rich or poor, wherever they live.

You can download a PDF copy of One in Three's full analysis from here.