One in Three Campaign supplementary submission to Federal Parliamentary Inquiry published

One in Three appeared on the 5th of September 2017 before the Canberra Hearing of the Federal Inquiry into a better family law system to support and protect those affected by family violence.
On 6th October 2017, we lodged a supplementary submission and answers to questions on notice, which includes in-depth case studies of two male victims of family violence, along with addidional data that dispels some of the dangerous myths about male victims.
The Inquiry has now published our supplementary submission on its website.
You can also download a copy of the supplementary submission from here (our original submission can be found here, and the transcript of our appearance at the Canberra Hearing can be found here).
You will notice that sections of the case studies have been redacted by the Inquiry for reasons of anonymity.
* UPDATE 13/11/17 *
It has come to our attention that an inadvertent error was made when compiling the table on page 10 of our supplementary submission, both in the figure for female current partners and the footnote referencing the source data.
The correct figure is 117,400 and was taken from the additional material from the Personal Safety Survey 2012 provided by the ABS for ANROWS’ "Violence against women in Australia: Additional analysis of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Personal Safety Survey, 2012”.
The comparative figures from the most recent 2016 ABS Personal Safety Survey, released just last week by the ABS, are as follows:
Female previous partner372,800
Female current partner164,900
Girlfriend or female date151,700
Other relative or in-law (male)145,600