1IN3's submission to the Royal Commission into Family Violence published

The One in Three Campaign's submission to the Royal Commission into Family Violence has been published on their website. You can download a copy here (PDF).
Public hearings are expected to start on Monday, 13 July 2015.
The Royal Commission intends to conduct its hearings around a series of modules. The public hearings will seek to contribute to the public’s understanding of the family violence system. It will also provide an opportunity for the public to hear from key stakeholders, experts and government representatives, as they discuss matters which may ultimately be the subject of findings and recommendations made by the Royal Commission.
The modules will explore key issues and questions relevant to the family violence system, including the diverse ways in which people experience family violence, the different consequences of family violence and the various times at which people may engage with current systems.
At this stage, the modules are intended to cover:
What is family violence, including causes and contributing factors
Prevention and early intervention
Children and young people
Issues around alcohol and drugs, mental health and homelessness
The role of the health system
Risk assessment and risk management
Perpetrator interventions and changing men’s behaviour
Police and criminal justice responses
Family Violence Intervention Orders
Intersection between the intervention order system, family law and child protection law
Information sharing between agencies
Integrating services
Diversity of community experiences
Culture change, both in the community and the workplace.
The content of the modules remains subject to change.
The Royal Commission is informing itself in a range of ways and many key issues and questions (including some of those covered in the modules) will also be explored through the stakeholder and expert roundtables.
The Commissioners and Counsel Assisting are in the process of determining who will be called to be witnesses at the public hearings in light of the written submissions, community consultations, stakeholder/expert roundtable meetings and other research activities. A list of these witnesses will be published on their website prior to hearings.
Unless otherwise directed, public hearings will be open to the public. Anyone is welcome to attend to watch and listen to the hearings taking place at level 11, 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne. The hearings, and those attending them, will be recorded and web streamed through their website. Please carefully consider your personal circumstances and safety before deciding to attend the hearings.
Transcripts of the public hearings will be uploaded onto their website as soon as practicable.
The Royal Commission may schedule additional hearings if it considers it appropriate to do so.
A Practice Direction outlining the procedural aspects of the public hearings is available from their resources page.