One in Three Campaign publishes report on first 5 years

The One in Three Campaign is a diverse group of male and female professionals – academics, researchers, social workers, psychologists, counsellors, lawyers, health promotion workers, trainers and survivor/advocates. The Campaign aims to raise public awareness of the existence and needs of male victims of family violence and abuse; to work with government and non-government services alike to provide assistance to everyone affected by family violence; and to reduce the incidence and impacts of family violence on Australian men, women and children.
The Campaign today released a report highlighting its achievements since foundation in November 2009. One in Three has received an overwhelmingly positive reponse from the general public. Over the past 5 years more services, funding and resources have become available to male victims of family violence and their children and more men are coming forward and reporting their experiences of family violence. There has been greater coverage of the issue in the mass media. One in Three has collaborated with a number of other NGOs to provide research, services, support and awareness raising for male victims and their children. They have also regularly given conference presentations and written submissions to government inquiries.
The One in Three Campaign 5 Year Report, March 2015, can be downloaded here.