A Male's Tale (YouTube video)
With the help of production company Decibel as well as funding from the Cabra-Vale Diggers Club, Wetherill Park community worker Mathew Dillon produced A Male’s Tale - a documentary that explores why men, particularly men in Fairfield, don’t seek help for their health problems.
Mr Dillon said his work in the community led him to sense that there was something wrong when it came to men’s health. “I kept asking why there weren’t services for men. That led me to producing this documentary,” he said.
It took Mr Dillon two years to film and edit the 30-minute documentary, which contains interviews with almost 20 people including victims, health experts and community workers.“Without knowing what I was going to do or where I was going to go with it I just kept playing with it,” he said. One of the most significant moments in the film for him involves a male victim of domestic violence. “(He) has, against all the prejudice and hype, come forward to speak,” Mr Dillon said.
DVD copies of A Male's Tale are now available for free by contacting Mathew Dillon at teamleader@parkscommunity.org.au.
You can watch the section of the documentary on domestic violence on YouTube at https://youtu.be/Sngu9BUupFE. The entire video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ew5ASI4KI.