ABC TV Q&A Family Violence Special, Mon Feb 23 - Join the Studio Audience
ABC TV's Q&A program is putting on a Family Violence special next Monday 23rd Feb at 9.35pm AEDT.
It would be great if supporters of One in Three, especially men who have experienced family violence, could join the studio audience for a chance to ask questions of the Panel.
Register here and email us at if you can, so we can let the producers know. Do it today or tomorrow as the audience is filling up fast.
If you can't make it along, do watch the program and join the discussion on Twitter.
Here's more about the Q&A Program:
Q&A puts punters, pollies and pundits together in the studio to thrash out the hot issues of the week. It's about democracy in action - on Q&A the audience gets to ask the questions. It doesn't matter who you are, or where you're from - everyone can have a go and take it up to our politicians and opinion makers. Energetic and opinionated - Q&A brings Australia's egalitarian and larrikin spirit into the studio. Q&A is about encouraging people to engage with politics and society. Q&A is hosted by one of the ABC's most respected journalists - Tony Jones. Q&A is live to air - it's happening as viewers watch.