New NSW Police Campaign "It’s not your fault”

NSW Police has launched a new video campaign to raise public awareness about the issue of domestic and family violence.
“It’s not your fault” is the theme of the campaign, which consists of a 30-second community service announcement (CSA) for TV, as well as a longer version for cinemas and social media.
This is the first time we have ever seen a government CSA that includes a male victim and a female perpetrator. The campaign is still very gender-biased, but it's a HUGE start. Thank you NSW Police.
We question why the NSW Police continue to focus upon the domestic and family violence dynamic that is LEAST likely to occur in Australia. The majority of Australians who have experienced violence from an intimate partner experienced it from a previous partner (1,603,400) or boyfriend, girlfriend or date (1,304,400). Relatively few have experienced it from a current partner (356,700). More Australians have experienced family violence from their father or mother (484,400) than from their current partner.
Let's hope this is the first in a series of CSAs from NSW Police, and that the other larger demographics will be targeted in the future.