One in Three Campaign

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Antonio's personal story

I've been the victim of a psycho girlfriend, who constantly beat me up, for years. I've been strangled till almost not breathing any more, I had my nose broken by punches, I had her nails sunk in my skin just a few millimetres below my eye, I've been hit with high heels, with full cans of beer, I've been kicked out of the house at night, I had a black eye or a swollen lip so many times that I can't even remember the exact number. She even forbid me from speaking with my mum on the phone. In addition to this I had to bear all the jokes from my work colleagues who found out my girlfriend used to beat me up. The only time the police visited our home, it was when she called them. Despite the fact that I was clearly the one who got beaten up and she had no marks on her, the cops ordered me to leave the house for the night or else I would have been arrested.