One in three victims of family violence are male

Men's stories


If you are a male victim of family violence – intimate partner violence, violence from other family members, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, or other forms of family violence and abuse – this page is available for you to tell your anonymous story. Please click here to tell your own story. If you feel like you need support, please click here. Stories are moderated to prevent the posting of spam, so it might take a little while for your story to appear on this page.


Anonymous's personal story

I'm a victim of D.V and also immigration fraud. I married a violent and abusive woman overseas. She was a con artist and had done a good research about Temporary Partner Visa in Australian immigration law which says one of the provisions when the relationship has broken down during the 2 years temporary visa is being a victim of D.V. When she arrived to Australia, it only took 3 months for me to find out she has just used me to move to Australia and she hates me. When I decided to divorce her, she was already aware that she has to leave Australia in 28 days as the visa sponsor has withdrawn his sponsorship. She started a disgusting game, false allegations of D.V and even rape for staying in Australia!! She went to police and lied to them and you know the rest of story, full support of police and authority, free legal aid etc. While I was the victim of D.V, while I am an Australian citizen and the police and authorities income is from the tax I pay and she is a foreigner, she had everything for free and I was financially harassed by them. She physically, emotionally, financially and psychologically abused me.

I wrote a letter to the minister for immigration and citizenship and as you can guess, the answer was blah blah blah, all bull****. Please let the other men know how the law is anti-men.

One in Three Campaign