One in three victims of family violence are male

News articles about family violence

News articles about family violence

This page contains a selection of recent news articles and commentary about male victims of violence and abuse plus related issues. These articles are presented as a community service, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the One in Three Campaign.

Please send any relevant news articles to us by clicking here and we will post them on this page.

Due to lack of resources, we currently post many more news articles on our Facebook page than we do here.


Revealed - The Shocking Truth About Domestic Violence Support | YouTube Video

Domestic Violence in Australia recently had a $100 million package for services announced by the Australian government to help women who have been victims and it is time to go beyond only making funding available for some of the victims of this horrific issue. Men also require assistance for when they are the ones being subjected to this growing violence in society today and according to ANROWS/ABS statistics, 694,100 men had experienced violence by a female intimate partner.

The harsh reality of being a male victim of domestic violence is one reason many males commit suicide because of the minimal support offered (apart from calling 1800Respect, who are fantastic). Sadly, when you're told there is nothing we can do for you because "We aren't funded to help men", you soon realise there is nowhere to turn and you feel there is little hope for the future.

The resources for men are non-existent - no emergency accommodation, no refuges, no financial assistance, no relocation assistance, no face to face counselling services (unless you are a perpetrator of DV), no place to turn to.

Being someone who experienced this first hand, I found the support to be non-existent and was shocked to discover that even the supportive literature (that is meant to be impartial) was also biased against male victims.

Domestic Violence in general is a major issue, regardless of gender, race or religion. If you want to bring real change to this issue, gender is not the answer, people are the answer - men, women, transgender. Really think about it because the only statistic relevant to DV is that 100% of victims are either female, male or transgender and every single person requires support to heal & recover.

The problem with the approach to domestic violence being continually referred to a "gendered issue" is that it is factually & perceptively incorrect. This narrative is creating gender apartheid and not taking into account that violence is a learned behavior with most perpetrators coming from either dysfunctional families, been subject to DV as a child, witnessed it in their parents relationship or has been subjected to some sort of traumatic abusive event.

Saying "statistically" only women & children require support doesn't help the 25% of males who suffer from these horrific actions & behaviours - 100% of domestic violence victims require support & assistance to recover from this debilitating problem, regardless of gender, race or religion.

Domestic Violence does not discriminate and neither should the services offered in supporting victims.

Doves4All (Domestic Violence Emotional Support 4 All) is aimed at supporting those who have experienced domestic violence through emotional roller coaster and being a place of respite to share your story, regardless of gender, race or religion.

This is a supportive group and for members to share their experience, offer help & support to others from domestic violence, provide insights into what has helped them recover and advice on resources that are available to help other victims.

This is not a group for gender debates about domestic violence and any comments which are of an abusive nature will not be tolerated.

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One in Three Campaign